#Hornsby Accountant#Hornsby Tax#Hornby Business

Make note of these important tax dates

As a business owner with employees, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has warned that it is important to stay on top of your payroll.

 This includes:

 * Accurately recording the amount you pay employees

* Withholding the correct amount of tax

* Calculating and paying superannuation guarantee accurately

 As the end of this financial year draws closer on 30 June, remember these important ATO dates:

Five steps to streamline debtor management

Inefficient debtor management can hurt your business by causing irregular cash flow, increased bad debt and strained relationships. CreditorWatch has compiled a list of steps to improve your debtor management:

 1. Reduce manual tasks: Minimising manual tasks will save you time and can reduce the room for human error.

 2. Centralise your systems: Controlling your accounts in one central location allows you to quickly assess the state of your accounts and pursue payment where necessary.

Scammers targeting ATO refunds

Scammers have been using fake myGov sites to steal myGov login details to commit tax fraud in people’s names, the federal government has warned.

 The scam involves using a text message or email to lure people into clicking a link that then gives the scammer access to your Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or myGov details.

 The messages are often something like “You are due to receive an ATO Direct refund, click here” or “You have a new message in your myGov inbox”.

Four capital gains tax concessions to help small businesses

As a small business owner, you can take advantage of one of four capital gains tax (CGT) concessions offered by the Australian Tax Office.

 These allow you to reduce, disregard or defer some capital gain from an active asset used in your small business.


 These concessions become available when you dispose of an active asset, provided you meet certain eligibility requirements.

 First, you must be one of the following: